LG X Screen LG-F650K - a supported LG model by ChimeraTool

LG X Screen

LG X Screen LG-F650K
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Available FeaturesModel added: 7 years ago

Required Licence
Procedure Name, Available Modes
FRP Remove
Get Info
Network Backup / Restore
Network Factory Reset
Network Factory Reset (EFS clear)
Remove Screen Lock
Repair IMEI *
Repair MAC
SW Change
You can scroll this table horizontally
* 该功能仅用于还原电话的原始 IMEI。继续之前,请确保您的国家的任何法律不禁止维修 IMEI。
执行本流程是您自己的责任.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Mobile_Equipment_Identity
Visit Chimera shopIf you want to buy Chimera licences or credits, visit our shop.
* 该功能仅用于还原电话的原始 IMEI。继续之前,请确保您的国家的任何法律不禁止维修 IMEI。
执行本流程是您自己的责任.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Mobile_Equipment_Identity