What kind of Xiaomi functions do we (ChimeraTool) have and what are they used for?
This description serves to inform you on Function Packages and the practical use of the credits found in them.
In this help, we are going to show you how to upgrade your Samsung license to Pro.
In the following article, we will explain a few popular scams regarding Chimera Tool. We will also give solutions, in order to avoid being scammed.
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at our contact details.
Step by step instructions for the license activation.
Information about some sub menu under the DASHBOARD
Some important information about the purchase of Chimera Authenticator
Resellers: how to find a reseller near to you?
Here you can find some useful information about the ChimeraTool Software.
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Open forumA continuously updated collection of Test Point photos, PCB Diagrams and Blueprints to help everyone easily find the test point pins on smartphone motherboards - all at one place!
Open Test point libraryThis is our official English-language forum. We recommend it for all of our users, because many problems and errors have been described and answered here over the years.
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